1. Favorite breed of horse: quarter horse, Rocky Mountain, and gypsy vanner
2: dream horse: a sweet tempered, a little more difficult to ride, black quarter horse
3. Favorite movies: spirit, secretariat, second chances, flicka, and so on...
4: hopes for the future with horse: to be an amazing all around rider
5. Private or public barn: private (I think)
6: do I board: no
7: own or lease: own <3
8: biggest horse-related pet peeve: when people try I act country and all I love horses and their not
9: western or English, why?: western, I love the comfort and structure.
10: favorite piece of tack: saddle!
11: bit or no bit, why?: I use a bit but I prefer a hackamore.bitless bridles just seen alot more natural to me. :)
So I hope his was what I was suppose to do! Bye!
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